College Of Business and Aviation

Management, Marketing, and Business Administration

Faculty & Staff

Kent Wessinger

Interim Chair of the Division of Marketing, Management, and Business Administration

Daniel C. Montgomery

Professor of Marketing

Zinaida Taran

Associate Professor of Marketing

Guozhen Zhao

Associate Professor of Management

Lisa Cooley

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Conrad Puozaa

Associate Professor of Management

April E. Mondy

Assistant Professor of Management

Christie Sledge

Instructor in Marketing

Thomasa Jackson

Instructor in Management

Adjunct Instructors

Alex Barillas
GBA 204: Quantitative Methods of Business
MGT 342: Operations Management

Jasmine Cunningham
MGT 327: Human Resources Management

Edward Frazer
GBA 203: Business Communication

Stephanie Harris
MGT 447: Employee Law

Dr. Deborah Moore
MGT 695: Strategic Project Management
MBA 525: Management Theory

Ben Bufkin Photo
Benjamin Bufkin
MGT 200: Statistics
MGT 497: Strategic Human Resources Management
MGT 605: Human Resources Management
MGT 660: Human Resources Legislation and Current Issues

Dr. Kimberly Dorsey
MGT 342: Operations Management
MGT 625: Productions/Operations Management

Dana George
MGT 300: Principles of Management

Dr. Angela Johnson

HCA 405: Healthcare Informatics

HCA/MGT 495: Quality Management

MGT 622: Healthcare Risk Management

MGT 650: Healthcare Law and Ethics

Dr. Valeria Williams
MGT 302: Intro to Services Management